

Hester Mitrani Esquenazi, known simply as hester, is a fascinating blend of artistic vision, technical acumen, and interdisciplinary exploration. Her journey from commercial photography in Colombia to the forefront of conceptual photography in Miami showcases not just her evolution as an artist but also her relentless pursuit of pushing the boundaries of the medium.

With a solid educational foundation from Parsons School of Design and further studies in photography at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, hester has seamlessly merged her backgrounds in architecture, electrical engineering, and art history into her photographic expressions. This multidisciplinary approach infuses her work with a depth and complexity that transcends mere imagery, inviting viewers to delve into the intricate layers of thought, perception, and emotion embedded within urban landscapes.

Her series, from "Concrete Perspective" to "Traces of Perception" and "Architectures of Light," serve as portals into realms where reality intersects with imagination, challenging viewers to reconsider their preconceptions of the spaces they inhabit. Through her lens, even the most mundane structures become vessels for contemplation, inviting us to explore the symbiotic relationship between physical environments and the psyche.

Beyond her artistic endeavors, hester's commitment to nurturing the artistic community is commendable. Whether through her involvement in organizations like the South Florida American Society of Media Photographers or her role as a mentor to aspiring artists and designers, she actively contributes to the cultivation of future creative voices.

As hester continues to evolve as an artist, her photography serves as a conduit for introspection, encouraging us to embrace the unseen and recognize the profound interconnectedness of art and science in our contemporary world. With upcoming exhibitions in Sweden and France, she continues to captivate audiences worldwide, solidifying her place as a visionary force in the realm of conceptual photography.